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The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) is ranked one of the world’s top five destinations to study the performing arts, in prestigious global rankings  QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022. 

Established in 1847 and based in Glasgow, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is one of the world’s most multi-disciplinary performing arts, research, and learning environments spanning classical and traditional music, drama, dance, production, film, and education.


RCS alumni make their mark throughout the world, on cinema and TV screens, backstage and onstage in theatres, concert halls, classrooms, and everywhere in between. Few Notable RCS alumni include James McAvoy, Richard Madden, Alan Cummings, David Tennant, Tom Ellis, Anneike Rose, Katie Leung, Sam Heughan, Colin Morgan, Sir David McVicar, Patrick Doyle, Elaine C Smith, and many more. 

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In September 2021, Fonnyta received an offer to study theatre directing in the MA Contemporary & Classical Text program of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.  
Fonnyta is the first Indonesian theatre director ever to be offered a space to study at the above program at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. 

Fonnyta received a scholarship from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the W.M. Mann Foundation, Scotland,UK.  


Dr. Yola Yulfianti - Ketua Komite Tari Dewan Kesenian Jakarta
English National Opera Fellow 2004

Apa yang Fonnyta lakukan selama ini di seni pertunjukkan menambah gairah anak-anak muda dalam dunia seni pertunjukkan di Jakarta. Tidak hanya membuat produksi teater yang berkualitas tapi dia juga memberikan pelatihan kepada para relawan seni muda dan perempuan yang terlibat untuk meningkatkan minat dan gairah ke dunia seni pertunjukkan. Pergerakan seperti ini patut didukung demi kemajuan ekosistem seni pertunjukan.

Saya yakin bahwa dengan mendalami studi teater di insitusi berkelas dunia seperti RCS, Fonnyta akan mampu menggerakkan perubahan positif lebih luas lagi di seni pertunjukkan di Indonesia


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